Frequently Asked Questions:
"Can I boost the [hacked] iPhone's volume?"
Yes, use Volume Boost.
"Are hacked iPhones stable?"
"What is the best way to hack the iPhone?"
"What does at&t charge for the iPhone?"
Pricing starts at $60USD/month with no discounts allowed. (more info; click 'plans'.)
"Is 'Leopard' [Macintosh OS 10.5] worth the money?"
Yes, but be aware, it is the first OS X version to appear slightly slower than previous OS versions, on older single-processor motorola machines.
"Why are you doing this [blog]?"
[appleguyTom] I like helping people, and, I use this as a reference, as I have the memory of a newt.
"Do you hate '[IBM type] PC's or Linux?"
[appleguyTom] No. microsoft, well...
"Say, what's with all the windows crap on your guy's Apple bLog?????"
All Intel-based Macintoshes are able to run windows. This obviously presents problems....
"blah, blah... Mac gaming... blah"
[appleguyTom] This is *THE* single most frustrating thing about being an Appletard... {snip} I have a PS3.
"What computer brand/model do you recommend?"
[appleguyTom] I don't. Use what your familiar with, if compelled to change as a result of undue frustration, then investigate the Macintosh. Expect Different.
"Aren't Mac's more expensive?"
"What is the iPhones warranty?"
Only a manufactures defect is covered, for 1yr (2yrs with extra $69 USD coverage -"AppleCare")
"Are you married?"
[appleguyTom] Why yes I am, thanks for asking. [ok, this question, not so frequent.]
"What flavor is the cool-aid?"
Contrary to popular belief, its actually herbal tea. [and its a colonic.**]
"Who is Fake Steve Jobs?"
I could tell you, but Moshe would have to kill you. And me.
** Thanks, FSJ.