Unsolicited eMail accounts for most internet traffic.
Apparently enough money is made through uneducated consumers to continue the practice.
Some things to consider doing to minimize spam:
*NEVER* reply to an unsolicited eMail.
*NEVER* "click here to unsubscribe" or "click to be removed", etc...
*NEVER* click anywhere on a unsolicited eMail, label it as 'Junk' and/or delete it.
*NEVER* click anywhere on an eMail [such as a one] from a financial institution, go to your browser, and enter the main [known] address manually, use a bookmark, Google to the site, ask some ones advice, or call the business directly if unsure. -Scams APPEAR like real sites, designed to steal any information entered.
When filling out online forms, if possible choose *not* to have "partners" (or the like) contact you.
gMail from Google, and yahoo from my.yahoo allow you to setup free eMail addresses.
Use one eMail address for trusted individuals, and the other one for questionable circumstances. Delete everything in the junk account often.
More advanced:
Change Mail's 'Reply-To' address:
While reeking havok with friends and family, altering the 'Reply-To' field will usually insure a person will respond, if necessary.
Create a new eMail, click the 'View' menu, select 'Reply-To Address Field' and alter your address. i.e. frigtardATgmailDOTcom, or frigtard@gmail.no-spam.com
Configure a spam filter, such as JunkMatcher.