Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sluggish Mac OS X Lion (10.7) Issue

Mac sluggish [spinning color wheel, slow overall performance] after Lion (Mac OSX 10.7) installation.

Possible Cause:
A problem with or an incomplete OSX installation.

Possible Cure:
Please, as always, backup your hard drive before preforming the following.

1.) Close all applications, Reboot the computer; hold down the shift key after the reboot (bong) sound.   [Enters Macintosh Safe Boot]

2.) Run ‘Disk Utility’ located in the  /Applications/Utilities  folder.

3.) Select the “First Aid” tab in the top of the center window:

4.) Click on the 'child'  primary [boot] hard drive usually called “Macintosh HD” as seen in the above screenshot.

5.) Click “Verify Permissions”.
After completion, and if issues are found, Click “Repair Permissions

6.) Next, click on the Main Volume (parent to the primary hard drive) as seen in the next screenshot below:

7.) Again, select the “First Aid” tab in the top of the center window, then click “Verify Disk”; and if errors are found, click “Repair Disk”.

8.) Reboot the computer, hopefully, the issues should be resolved.*

* If upon rebooting you are prompted the complete the Lion installation, do so as directed.

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